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Karla Kyomi Boston • 404.668.4401 •

My business was names after my middle name Kyomi (Key-oh-me). It means Beautiful, and my goal is to make some beautiful creations with you and your loved ones.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sabbath Keepers Baseball Legue

The phone rang and Erica was on the other end. She had news about a baseball league that started and let me know that there might be an opportunity to do pictures for all of the teams. Of course she sparked my interest. Everything I was doing no longer mattered. You all know I'm trying to spread my business name here in Atlanta in order to build my clientele. I immediately put some packages together and sent her the flyer.

I expected a few families to show up since the shoot time was scheduled for 9AM today. Little did I know!!! Cars started pulling up 2 and 3 at a time, children started jumped out of cars and next thing I know we had a long line of parents and their children ready to get their pictures in their brand new uniforms. In fact, there were so many children that we weren't able to finish - I was in a little bit of trouble with the coaches when our schedule ran 30 minutes into the first game. (Sorry about that coach) ;o)

Some children cried when it was their turn, and some acted as though they were born in front of the camera. Overall, this was such a great experience. I had two wonderful parents assisting me and they made things run very smoothly! Thank you so much Erica R. and Kimberly B. - I'll see you next Sunday when we do the team pictures.